Monday, August 30, 2010

Cat Flea Allergy Remedy

VIVA TIRADO! Journalism

Presentation of the album "Rolling the streets,"
concert will include sign language through the interest of Noel for accessibility, and will be played by two great women, very large ... thanks and A. Ch

A video of her earlier work ... I'm going

bars Saturday, 4 September, Sala Loca
Mateo, 23 hours.
6 euros entry,
15 with the cd.

See you soon!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

What The Hell Happened To Mr Muscle

Human ... Information

Commitment to human rights, a commitment
change is possible through the information and its management. Here the web

and BLOG.
news here: THE END OF SILENCE.

Cusco (Peru). JA Gimeno ©

Monday, August 23, 2010

What Are Tomahawks Worth

FVF [2]

Here are two interesting news related to
Anantapur ... [Silvia, thanks for sharing this news with nosotrxs]
[Other news]

Friday, August 20, 2010

Can I Travel Abroad If I Have A Herpes

New Life: Testimony of a strange fact that you know

Hello sir @ s

I had long since walking around here because they found that post, but here are a real and true story that happened to me this morning.

Like all college days, I got up at my usual time, I shower, and breakfast time I stomach started to hurt (nothing that is not recolviera with a pill). So I take the happy pill, and even without any improvement I left for college. Soil

walk fast, by way of my father, but because of the pain today was a little slower. I usually spend long in a street that sometimes is lonely sometimes not. When I was approaching hear a sound of an engine that almost falls into a sewer, so I thought "I'm glad that nothing bad happened." When folding the corner I saw a Toyota Corolla taxi Cream in 1997, it had usually seen, but do not take care as anyone because I thought someone was just waiting for a taxi or the taxi waiting for someone.

hear a motorcycle standing behind me a voice proceeding quickly told someone: "Take away the purse (bag)", the first thing I thought was throw me to run, but the legs did not respond, immediately afterwards I felt like someone put his hand on my wallet and instinctively grasp, I heard a small voice of those who are in your head say "READY" to begin the struggle well. They say that when you feel you are about to die your life passes before your eyes, and indeed have some reason that phrase, while struggling, I thought of my mother, my father (who was upset because his brother had recently died the night before), my brother who was sleeping in so many people that went through my head ... and immediately thought of someone important than God and my family, my best friend, she had sent me a cell phone text messages a day that I felt really bad and asked him to pray for me, these were his words:

- God always is in control of EVERYTHING! Although we do not understand. The all you can for any reason, to give us a lesson ... Trust, have faith and believe! He who believes everything is possible! remember that you're not alone, God is with you ALWAYS!, Do not you see it does not mean there is not

--- - Do not fear, for I am with you, be not dismayed for I am your God will strengthen you, yea, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand .. Isaias41 :10 ---

These phrases "activated" a kind of adrenaline that had accumulated by the lack of exercise. That guy who looked just two years older than me, was surprised to see the strength that my arms against him when they let him bring the bag, besides, I thought "God, I have next week partial end, and the chair is there! !, "Where I am going, what will happen with my cell phone chip (XD)" immediately afterwards, I told the guy on the move of strength: "Please no, I have to go to UniveRSS" that the worsened mainly because I thought he had money in there (which is very rare for otherwise bad memory, there were only 5 pesos, my identification card, my card the unit, the cell cloth, my lecture and appreciated English brochure), then throw big kick to my stomach so I could fall, but as the struggle so instinctive, so lift a leg and block his attack. After a timeless moment, I fell to the ground and followed with the bag in my hand, I creep, and his comrade said: "Get the gun" that caused "increase my strength" and did so, he could remove it from my hand . Listen

a car approaching and it turned out that it was "dumb" driver, I thought it would help me, but I saw the motorcycle approach and say something, then a woman shouted "a thief" so that I was that boy I did fall down suddenly because she felt that something kept me on the floor indented. So, they went and I stayed there circulation, weak and eager to laugh and mourn. Listen to the voice of someone who was in a house about me "layoff that you can" and when I did I went straight back and EMPREC to mourn.

Lyrics To top it had the background (because obviously all in life have a background song that define our situations) to Hyde with Evanescent song and the image of the girl Haruna Debut manga Kouko

definitely never forget this day and I'll give thanks to God for esoque did for me.

Fun fact: when I get home my mother said, "I always pray for you and commend you to God So you do not pass anything wrong, and looks today I forgot to be thinking about your uncle he rest in peace, look what happened! "

Friday, August 6, 2010

Inflamed Knee Cartilage


Villa Elena. Where nature beats.

aged woods and behind the mountains. The cabins are not visible from the road.

Just 20 kms. de la Villa de Merlo, near the city and away from it all, find this little paradise of 15 hectares made up of more than 380 varieties of trees , which gives Desire unique features in a normally formed by Moller and pimples. That, and the relentless passage of the warm waters of the stream Benitez extending along the property, are the greatest treasure we can offer.

Photo: Gustavo Cervilla Google Earth for

A suspension bridge over the creek rises, making a link between the area of \u200b\u200bhuts and trails that lead to three viewpoints that allow magnificent views the mountains of Comechingones Valley as Conlan (the largest in the world).

Sunset from the bridge. Walking the creek around the property to the rear. Linda excursion without leaving Desire!

Once across the bridge and already high, may take a break, energize, meditate, contemplate in solitude company or the grandeur of the mountains, a beautiful blue sky, or the amazing colors of the skyline above the valley.

Only 4 houses. ..
We invite you to visit us!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Male Brazilian Wax Louisville


I invite you to vote for my photo series "True Love Never Dies" by Maestro last photo shoot. Miguel Velez Arceo (1928-2010), maximum promoter of Mexican folk dance and founder and director of Ballet Folklorico of Veracruz University for over 45 years. The present contest under the 6th International Symposium on Stock Mazatlan 2010.

To leave your vote should be accessed at the link:

can also see the video of the series on my youtube channel / luandasmithFOTOGRAFA
Other portfolios
interesting contest, so it's worth taking the time to know the work of others.

Thanks for your time

enormous health.