Friday, December 3, 2010

How To Use Custom Theme On Imate

me a fan XD sub

Many people tell me that if I have comments and stuff, I have to advertise my blog on other sites, but I have not much time to be a vicious bloggeadora compulsive, nor much use to get to other pages, because my time is less than low, and when I do I almost never leave uu a comment, the reason is simple: my brain never remembers me, I forget words : P.

Other causes for which I have no comments is that readers who spend their time reading my "interesting" items are required by me to enter the site to comment, but the mui mui, or do by chat, or comment me on msn, or just do not know how to put a comment in the blog ¬ ¬ (bastard @ s) BUT STILL LOVE THEM!! because their views are uniquito what motivates me to not abandon this blog, and also to vent my perspective applied here hehe

also added to the list of the few comments, the fact that maybe, in my opinion, is that apart from advertising is that my blog does not have those designs that are eye-catching graphics many websites which makes your browser last time nearly a third of carrying all those flashy things that make the site special and interesting, and that's because my descoenccion of pages designed to put you, and if not that, you never quite understand how the hell I keep current with these tutorials for my 7 year old cousin is like reading a storybook ..... XD lol!

very unfortunate so my apologies for not having a blog that meets the needs XD I love very much exaggerated, but it must be admitted SOMETHING HERE .... this blog does not publish many articles "----" because there is always variety in each, and a touch of me ... XD .... and handsome. bet on me like a famous ... my articles had more visits than hahahahahaa other nn!

Well what I came ....

happen to me has been chosen to enter a fansub nothing more and nothing less than the translations (what best to do) and nothing more and nothing less than NARUTO!.
At first I was told that translate one piece ... but my love for this anime is very low. So one day I offered to translate it and here I am!
I can not deny that I enjoy, especially when the translation is from English into English, and I need to expand my knowledge of the language necessary

The fansub fansub is not Eko also find them in McAnime

Chapter of this and last week I put here is their URL para que lo descarguen...y es mejor en el Megaupload...por cierto, me he fijado que ya no hay que poner las letras...interesante no?

capitulo 518

esta es la hoja de creditos :P


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